Peroneal Tendon Tears

Peroneal tendon tears are a common injury in athletes, usually occurring during physical activity. These injuries can be quite painful and lead to difficulties with walking and standing.

There is also evidence that these types of tears may threaten the long-term stability of your foot or ankle. Many people who undergo surgery for these tears will find themselves needing physical therapy and rehabilitation to fully recover.

Peroneal Tendon Tears

Risk Factors

Some of the risk factors that may increase your chances of getting a peroneal tendon tear include participating in high-impact sports, having tight calf muscles or flat feet, or using poor footwear when engaging in physical activity. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort along your outer ankle or midfoot area, it is important to seek medical attention right away to determine whether you have a tear and what treatment options are most appropriate for your situation.

Chronic and Acute Peroneal Tendon Tears

Chronic peroneal tendon tears are typically caused by overuse and repetitive motion, while acute peroneal tendon tears are usually the result of a sudden injury or trauma. Both types of tears can be quite painful and may require surgery to repair the damage. In some cases, physical therapy and rehabilitation may also be necessary.

Diagnosis of Peroneal Tendon Tears

Your doctor will likely start with a physical examination and review of your medical history. They may also order imaging tests, such as an MRI or CT scan, to get a better look at the structures around your ankle and foot. Once a peroneal tendon tear has been diagnosed, treatment options can be discussed.

Treatment Plans

Treatment for Peroneal tendon tears will depend on the severity of your injury and may include rest, physical therapy, surgery, or bracing. It is important to work closely with your doctor to find the best treatment plan for you and to follow any recommendations for rehabilitation in order to ensure a full recovery.