Life Limb Saver

We have an elite team of highly trained specialists dedicated to saving your at-risk limbs from amputation through a comprehensive approach. This does more than save a limb; it restores your quality of life.


Most of our limb salvage patients are diabetic. The epidemic of diabetes has led to a dramatic increase in the number of foot and leg amputations across the United States. Most can be avoided with good preventive care. Patients who undergo below-the-knee amputation have a 50 percent chance they will need another amputation, or even die, within the next five years1.  We have developed a proven method to prevent limb loss, thereby stabilizing against further complications. The key is timely recognition of limb threatening conditions and rapid referral to the wound and hyperbaric center.


Our limb salvage team is comprised of advanced specialists. By working in concert, we can effectively determine the precise nature and severity of your affected limb and proceed with treatment. Our team includes specialists in:

  • Wound care
  • Diabetes care
  • Primary care
  • Orthopedic and podiatric surgery
  • Vascular surgery
  • Nephrology
  • Interventional cardiology
  • Hyperbaric medicine
  • Interventional radiology
  • Specialized nursing


The prospect of losing a limb is frightening, and can be very unsettling. We believe a well-informed patient is an empowered patient. The care we provide is complex and time is very much of the essence. Yet our team approach means your aren't shuffled from one specialist to the next. Instead, we can provide faster treatment while keeping you and your family informed and comfortable throughout. We know from experience that patients who feel a strong sense of involvement in their care tend to see better results.


When a limb is salvaged and a foot is preserved, patients are immediately relieved of a great anxiety. We don't lose sight of your ultimate goal—a full return to normal activity. Monitoring recovery for the first few weeks is critical, and we work closely with referring physicians for your follow-up care. The limb salvage team practices some of the most advanced care in modern medicine, yet our measure of success remains simple: save the foot, save the hand.

1 Georgetown Physician Update, 2007