Telisha Nemec, FNP
CHRISTUS Trinity Clinic

Telisha Nemec, FNP



CHRISTUS Trinity Clinic’s Telisha Nemec is a nurse practitioner with over 15 years of experience in acute care settings. The breadth of her experience includes ICU, ER, and outpatient gastroenterology. Talisha strives to ensure that every patient she serves experiences compassion and receives the education and care they deserve.

Talisha’s nursing journey started with her drive to serve people. Telisha believes every patient should be treated as if they are family. Talisha advanced her education as a Nurse Practitioner to be more active in diagnosing and treating patients, providing them with a better quality of life. When not in the clinic, Talisha enjoys spending time with family, traveling, and seeking every opportunity to explore new things.

Hospital Affiliations
CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Health System

Get to know Telisha Nemec, FNP


Education & Certifications

  • Education


    University of Texas Arlington, Arlington, Texas - Master of Science, Nursing East Texas Baptist University, Marshal, Texas - Bachelor of Science, Nursing