LINX for Reflux

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD, is a common digestive disorder that causes chronic acid reflux in millions of people worldwide.

Acid reflux, or heartburn, occurs when acid from the stomach flows up into the esophagus. Although occasional acid reflux is common, suffering from acid reflux constantly is often a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.

While medications can relieve reflux symptoms by reducing stomach acid, they do not address the root cause of the problem.

Fortunately, there is a breakthrough medical implant called LINX® Reflux Management System that provides a game-changing solution for people suffering from chronic acid reflux.

What is LINX?

LINX Reflux Management System is a revolutionary medical implant designed to enhance the function of the lower esophageal sphincter and effectively prevent stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus and throat.

The LINX consists of a small, flexible ring made of magnets.

This ring is placed around the outside of the esophagus through a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure.

The LINX device helps the esophageal sphincter uphold its integrity. It closes to block the reflux of stomach contents and opens to allow the passage of food and liquids.

This simple yet innovative mechanism can treat GERD and empower you to return to a normal life.

How Does LINX Work?

The LINX device works through the principle of magnetic attraction.

When you swallow food or liquids, the natural opening of the esophagus expands the LINX. This allows contents to pass through the esophagus and into the stomach.

Once the substances reach the stomach, the magnetic force closes the LINX ring. This creates a barrier that prevents stomach acid from traveling back up the esophagus.

LINX is designed to provide a long-term solution for people with GERD without altering the digestive tract.

This means that individuals who undergo the LINX implantation procedure can resume their normal activities within days. Patients are not required to follow long-term diet restrictions after implantation.

Benefits of LINX for Reflux

LINX offers many benefits to people suffering from GERD, addressing the root cause of the condition and providing long-term relief.

Here are some of the key advantages of the LINX for Reflux system.

Minimally Invasive Procedure

The implantation of the LINX is typically a minimally invasive procedure that takes less than an hour.

With clearance from your surgeon, you can return home within 24 hours and to normal activities within a few days.

Freedom from Medication

LINX is a game-changer for those who have been reliant on medications to manage GERD symptoms.

By restoring the function of the lower esophageal sphincter, LINX can reduce or eliminate the need for daily medication.

his offers freedom from the ongoing costs and potential side effects associated with medicine.

Heartburn Relief

Heartburn can be uncomfortable and disrupt daily life.

LINX has shown remarkable effectiveness in curing heartburn in 85 percent of patients.

This provides a significant improvement in the quality of life.

Freedom from Regurgitation

LINX has proven to be incredibly successful in resolving regurgitation in 99 percent of patients.

Regurgitation can be unpleasant and even dangerous because there is a slight chance it could lead to aspiration pneumonia if stomach contents enter the lungs.

LINX provides much-needed relief from this symptom.

Freedom from Diet Restrictions

Specific foods, especially those high in fats, salt, or spice, often trigger acid reflux symptoms.

This includes:

  • Spicy foods
  • Cheese
  • Citrus fruits or juices
  • Tomatoes, garlic, and onions
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Alcohol
  • Fried food
  • Fatty meats
  • Processed foods

With LINX, you no longer must restrict certain foods for fear of triggering acid reflux.

Once the device is implanted and your body adapts, you can freely enjoy food as you wish.

Less Bloating

Many people with GERD experience abdominal bloating because of the reflux of gases and stomach contents.

LINX can lead to improved comfort from less bloating and improved overall digestive function.

Overall Improved Quality of Life

Patients who have received the LINX implant have reported a significant improvement in their overall quality of life.

A landmark study proved that LINX consistently and substantially benefits GERD patients.

  • 85% of patients were free from dependence on daily heartburn medication.
  • 99% of patients experienced the elimination of regurgitation.
  • 85% of patients reported the elimination of heartburn.

LINX Frequently Asked Questions

How is LINX implanted? 

LINX is implanted using a surgical technique called laparoscopy. This technique uses small incisions in the abdominal wall to access the area around the esophagus where the device will be placed.

This minimally invasive procedure means a shorter and less painful recovery and a decreased risk of complications.

When can I start eating normally again? 

Consult your doctor for the best recovery plan after implantation of the LINX.

Some surgeons may recommend a gradual adjustment period. This may include a liquid-only diet for one day, with an eight-week period where a small meal is eaten every 2-3 hours during waking hours. This helps the body adapt to LINX.

When can I return to normal physical activities? 

Consult your doctor for the best recovery plan after implantation of the LINX.

Some surgeons may recommend a gradual adjustment period. This may include a liquid-only diet for one day, with an eight-week period where a small meal is eaten every 2-3 hours during waking hours. This helps the body adapt to LINX.

Will I be able to belch or vomit with the LINX? 

Patients with the LINX have reported the ability to belch and vomit. Patients who follow post-operative eating instructions which allow the esophagus to properly adapt to the new device have no issues with regular functions like belching and vomiting.

How long will LINX last? 

LINX is designed to be a lifelong implant. The device is mostly constructed with titanium, which has a long history of successful use in permanent medical implants. LINX uses permanent magnets that are designed to not wear out.

Can I go through airport security with the LINX? 

LINX should not affect airport security. All patients will be provided with an implant card to have available in the event an issue arises.

Will I be able to feel the LINX after it has been implanted? 

A small number of patients have reported sensations around the LINX. It is not known if this is the device or the result of surgery in the area. These sensations typically go away over time.

Can I have an MRI with the LINX? 

There are two versions of the LINX device. One is safe in MRI scanning machines up to 0.7T, the other is safe up to 1.5T. You should discuss the MRI scanning options with your doctor prior to deciding on treatment with LINX.