Heart Care Diagnostic Testing

Diagnostics & Testing for Heart Conditions

Your heart is a vital organ that pumps blood throughout your body. It’s important to keep your heart healthy to prevent problems like heart disease, stroke, and other health conditions. There are several diagnostic tests that can be used to evaluate the health of your heart. These tests can help your doctor determine if you have a heart condition and, if so, what treatment options are available to you. There are several ways to evaluate the health of your heart. Your doctor may recommend one or more of the following tests:

Learn if Your Heart is Healthy

Check Your Heart Health

Non-Invasive Cardiovascular Testing

  • Angiography — visualizes and diagnoses coronary artery disease. The physician injects a special dye (contrast dye) into the coronary arteries and a series of X-rays are taken that show the location and extent of coronary artery narrowing or obstruction. This procedure is usually performed via an artery in the groin
  • Echocardiography — creates images of heart and blood vessel structure and function using high-frequency sound
  • Holter monitoring — a continuous recording of your heart rhythm, usually for 24 hours, while you go about your daily activities. This is especially useful in diagnosing abnormal heart rhythms
  • Stress testing — measures how the heart works during stress or exercise
  • Exercise stress test — usually involves walking on a treadmill or pedaling on a stationary bike at increasing levels of difficulty while your electrocardiogram, heart rate and blood pressure are monitored
  • Stress echocardiography — combines stress testing with echocardiography for additional information on cardiac structure and function
  • Nuclear stress test — measures blood flow to your heart muscle both at rest and during stress on the heart and is performed in a similar fashion to a routine exercise stress test. This test provides images that show areas of low blood flow through the heart and areas of damaged heart muscle


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An electrocardiogram, also called an EKG or ECG, is a simple test that measures electrical impulses in your heart.

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Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

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Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

This is a non-invasive imaging that can reveal the health of the vessels supplying blood to the heart and surrounding tissue.

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