How can Pink Eye be Treated with Telemedicine

Dad with child talking to clinician through telemedicine

Jared is a busy, working dad with three kids. As he packed for a family vacation, he began experiencing itchiness and irritation in his eye.

By the evening, his eye was swollen, watery, and turning red.

Jared had to pick up his son from taekwondo. He had no time to go to the doctor.

While waiting in the parking lot, he decided to call CHRISTUS Health On Demand Care to get medical care for his eye. Within 10 minutes, Jared connected with a clinician on his phone.

He described his symptoms and answered a few questions. The clinician carefully evaluated his condition, reviewed his medical history, and sent an antibiotic prescription to his pharmacy. By the time his son’s training ended, Jared had a treatment plan and could start his medication before heading off on vacation.

How can Pink Eye be Treated with Telemedicine?

Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is a common eye condition that causes redness, itching, and discharge.

Usually, diagnosing and treating pink eye requires an in-person visit to a health care provider.

With CHRISTUS Health On Demand Care, you can get effective, convenient treatment without going to the doctor in person.

Through video consultations, you can receive timely eye care diagnosis and treatment from the comfort of your home.

A recent study published in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Library of Medicine found that telemedicine for managing pink eye is safe and effective, leading to appropriate treatment and satisfied patients.

How It Works

If you try On Demand Care for pink eye, you will have a similar evaluation as Jared to determine if you have a viral, bacterial, or allergic problem with your eye.

During your consultation, your clinician will:

  • Ask questions about your symptoms, including the severity and duration.
  • Request close-up pictures of your eye for a clearer view.
  • Inquire about any allergies, recent illnesses you might have had, or recent incidents that may have caused pink eye.
  • Based on this information, your clinician can determine whether you have viral, bacterial, or allergic pink eye.

Treatment For Pink Eye

A clinician can provide treatment based on the type of pink eye.

After an exam, your provider can give you antibiotic eye drops or ointments from a pharmacy to treat a bacterial eye infection.

They may also recommend over-the-counter remedies such as eye drops, antihistamines, or cold compresses.

During a virtual visit, your health care provider will teach you about good hygiene to prevent the infection from spreading. They will also advise you when to seek in-person care if their symptoms worsen.

Follow-up and Monitoring For Pink Eye

  • Treatment Plan: Based on the assessment, your clinician will determine if your pink eye is viral or bacterial and recommend the appropriate course of treatment, including over-the-counter remedies or prescription eyedrops.
  • Monitoring Instructions: Your clinician will provide instructions on how to use any prescribed medication and how to monitor your eye at home, including proper hygiene practices to prevent the spreading of the infection.
  • Schedule for Follow-up: Depending on the severity and type of pink eye, the provider may schedule a follow-up virtual appointment to monitor your progress.

When to Get Treatment

You should seek treatment for pink eye when you experience persistent symptoms that do not improve within a few days.

Also, seek treatment if you experience severe pain, vision changes, or increased sensitivity to light with your pink eye. It is important to get treatment if there is a lot of discharge or if you have a weak immune system. These factors can indicate a more serious infection.

If your newborn baby has pink eye, you should see a doctor immediately for proper care.

Early medical intervention can help prevent complications and the spread of infection to others.

Benefits of Virtual Care For Pink Eye

There are several advantages to using On Demand virtual care for pink eye treatment:

  • Convenience: No waiting room hassles! Schedule a visit on your own time, from the comfort of your couch.
  • Fast diagnosis and treatment: Get the care you need quickly, minimizing the disruption to your day.
  • Reduced risk of spreading infection: Since you don’t have to visit a physical clinic, you’ll minimize the risk of spreading pink eye to others.

Types of Pink Eye Bacterial Conjunctivitis

  • Causes: Touching eye with unclean hand, contact with others
  • Symptoms: Redness of the eye, a thick, pus-like discharge that may crust over the eyelashes, irritation, itching, and a gritty feeling in the eye

Viral Conjunctivitis

  • Causes: Exposure to someone who is coughing or sneezing with an upper respiratory tract infection
  • Symptoms: Redness in one or both eyes, watery discharge, sensitivity to light, swollen eyelids

Allergic conjunctivitis

  • Causes: Eye’s reaction to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, mold, pet dander
  • Symptoms: Itchy eyes, watery or teary eyes, burning sensation to light

Chemical conjunctivitis

  • Causes: Smoke, liquids, fumes, or chemicals in the eye
  • Symptoms: Decreased vision, redness, large amounts of swelling


On Demand Care

On Demand Virtual Care

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