Take a Diabetes Assessment

Check Your Risk for Diabetes

Measure Your Diabetes Risk

If you’re over 45, you’re already at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. You can take several steps to reduce your risk and stay healthy into your senior years. Diet and exercise are two of the best defenses. The CHRISTUS Health diabetes assessment can determine your risk factors. 

The review is an important tool. You’ll respond to questions about your weight, age, family history and how much you exercise. Then, you’ll receive a detailed report based on your answers.

Elder couple looking out into the water
Get My Health Report

How Can I Use This Report to Improve My Health?

After you take the diabetes assessment, you immediately receive a report. The report highlights risk factors and provides information about other diseases you can get if you have diabetes. It gives suggestions for improving your health through diet and exercise. To learn more about the four types of diabetes, go to our Diabetes web page.

Take the First Step

The number of people with Type 2 diabetes is rising. You are more at risk over 45, which is when the American Diabetes Association suggests you start screening. Young people are now at increased risk. If you have diabetes, your body does not process all the food you eat into the energy you need. You may be tired, thirsty and hungry all the time. The good news is that diet and exercise can lower your chances of getting diabetes. If you have Type 2 diabetes, losing 10 to 15 pounds can make a big difference. Make a plan with your doctor to improve your health. The assessment is the first step.

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What Happens if My Report States I Am at Risk?

A CHRISTUS Health nurse will contact you if the report shows you are at risk. You can also share the report with your doctor. If you don’t have a primary care doctor, you can look for one at CHRISTUSHealth.org

There’s help for diabetes. Take the assessment.


Diabetes health risk assesment
Take the Diabetes Assessment