Take a Lung Cancer Health Assessment

Check Your Risk for Lung Cancer

Measure Your Risk for Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths and the most preventable. Some warning signs include a lingering cough, coughing blood, chest pain that doesn’t go away, and having many infections like bronchitis or pneumonia. To find out your risk, take the CHRISTUS Health lung cancer assessment.

The review is an important tool. Questions include information about age, weight, smoking and lung infection history. You’ll receive a detailed report based on your answers when you finish the questions.

A daughter helping her father fill out a health risk assessment
Get My Health Report

How Can I Use This Report to Improve My Health?

After you take the lung cancer assessment, you immediately receive a report. The report highlights risk factors and recommends changes to your lifestyle to reduce your chance of developing lung cancer. It also provides a link to cancer care at CHRISTUS Health. 

Take the First Step

Most lung infections do not lead to cancer. But over 200,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed each year. It is very curable when caught early. The most important steps you can take is to quit smoking if you smoke and avoid hazardous materials. The assessment is the first step to finding out if you are at risk for lung cancer.

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What Happens if My Lung Cancer Report States I Am at Risk?

A CHRISTUS Health nurse will contact you if the report shows you are at risk. You can also talk with your primary care doctor or contact a member of our cancer care team. Your doctor may send you for imaging, blood and other screening tests.

Find out if you are at risk for lung cancer. Take the assessment.

Lung cancer risk assessment
Take the Lung Cancer Health Assessment